Tuesday, July 17, 2007

BalkanJoe says WELCOME

Hello everyone and welcome to BalkanJoe, my little travel diary.

This is my first Blog, so I'm kind of excited.

For the next two months, I will be on a trip through the Balkans.
Now some of you might know that I've been on a trip trough the Balkans before, but not this long and especially not to the countries I will visit.

While I'm in Southeast Europe, I want to share my experiences with you people, have you comment on the things I'll post and eventually get to know people who are from the Balkans or are currently there themselves.

I will try and write updates as often as possible, tell you about the places I see, the people I meet, the experiences I make.

I also want to make sure that friends and family have a chance to see wether I'm still alive...
Most of all, I want to share this experience with as many people as possible.

So, enjoy reading and feel free to comment.

All yours



Anonymous said...

waiting for your arrival to Sarajevo! :P

I hope everything will be OK in your trip through the Balkans. Enjoy it and don't spend too much time on the net!

But anyway I hope reading something soon!

AMG said...

Hi Don Chili,

das Bild ist ein echter Burner!

Wenn Du mit dem albanischen nicht klar kommst, ruf an. Claras beste Freundin ist aus dem Kosovo.

Onkel Anselm und Tante Andrea

AMG said...

Hi Don Chili,

das Bild ist ein echter Burner!

Wenn Du mit dem albanischen nicht klar kommst, ruf an. Claras beste Freundin ist aus dem Kosovo.

Onkel Anselm und Tante Andrea

AMG said...

Hi Don Chili,

great picture - great look!

If you got any language problems, don't hesitate - contact Clara. She will serve you with perfect albanian native speaker, though her best friend comes from Kosovo.

Oncle Anselm and his beautifull, georgous wife Andrea (ich fuehle mich verarscht)

Anonymous said...

Tchuss mein gut freund,wie geht´s dir?? I hope you are doing just fine..I´m glad you finally achieved to go to the balkans....You must feel like fish in water..in middle of a post-war zone...just perfect:)
Despite of you being mad about war itens, try to keep the peace alive down there...

Stay strong and keep on rockin´

enjoy it and give news

your hostivar´s cellmate

Anonymous said...

ahoj hostivar´s cellmate...
finally you are in your natural habitat..in a post-war zone...you must feel like fish in water...although you are crazy about war, try to keep the peace alive down there...

stay strong and keep on rockin´


Unknown said...

Johnny Dangerous,
One thing is obvious: YOU will be my next travel companion to Beirut--no one else dares to go! Last time I saw such red hot chili peppers was in New Mexico...way to go, my friend! Soak up every second in the wide world. Are you going to Srebrenicza?
happy trails and fair winds,

Anonymous said...

Na dann mal fröhlich drauf los mein bester...viel spaß und zeigs uns!

Anonymous said...

hey Joe!
good that you practiced some self-defense but i hope that you won't need it! just kidding... ;)
i am planning to visit the balkan with my motorbike next year, maybe you know some nice places to stay!
have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

du bist offensichtlich mal wieder echt der Schärfste :)
Ich wünsch dir sooooo viel Spaß und eine fantastische Zeit!!!


Anonymous said...

just said goodbye on Zagreb train station..:(
take care and enjoy your Balkan experience!!!

Anonymous said...

Ob das jetzt klappen wird ist noch die Frage, aber der Tech-Wizz aka MAMA wirds schon richten.
Ich hoffe, was ein Quatsch, nein, ich sehe, Dir gehts ausgezeichnet, dass freut mich sehr!
Pass gut auf Dich auf, denk immer dran: Alles Schlampen ausser Mutti...

Anonymous said...

und schon ein balkangirl abgecheckrt...das ist mein mann!

stefan said...

Servus Grosser, alles Gute auf deiner Reise! Ich kriege das hier irgendwie nicht gebacken,na vielleicht klappt es ja diesmal!

Anonymous said...

..crazy chicken - besides: enjoy your time, take care and keep us all updated!!



Anonymous said...

Guden Johannes,

ist ja ne coole Sache, was du da so auf dem Balkan so treibst.

Wünsch dir noch viel Spass im "Bergwald" (Kleine Wissensfrage ;-) )
und in diesem Sinne,

wir sehen uns hoffentlich bald mal wieder


mustseens said...

your blog is brillant :)
enjoy your time over there!


Anonymous said...

I'v been in Kosovo too,and you are very lucky if you met Kosovars.
Don't forget to visit Prizren and sure dont spend time on the net,couse there u will meet very beautiful lady's( they are like germans :)